License bureau shooting

Stop by your local BLM field office to pick up hard-copy maps, and make sure your course is on public lands. Know your surroundings. Be on the lookout for other people and potential risks. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond. Let others know your plans. Before leaving, make sure to touch base with someone and let them know where you will be, when you will be back and develop an emergency plan just in case.

Make sure your equipment is in proper working condition. By checking your equipment, you decrease risk of injury to yourself and others and to avoid accidentally starting a wildfire on public lands. Whenever you venture out on public lands, you should follow outdoor ethics to preserve the great outdoors for future generations.

Do your part to keep public lands clean and prevent the spread of invasive species. Practice proper rifle and archery safety. Treat every gun as if it is loaded. Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until your sights are on the target and you are ready to shoot. Make sure to never dry-fire a bow, use proper arrows that you store in a quiver and stay alert around broadheads. Protect yourself by wearing safety equipment. Always wear proper hearing protection and safety glasses.

When target shooting, always use appropriate targets and backstops. In addition, wear hunter orange when required. Please help preserve our heritage. Treat cultural sites with respect. Do not touch petroglyphs or remove artifacts.

Report crimes to resources including vandalism, dumping and suspicious activity at Learn more about recreation on your public lands. Bridgeview police pursued a vehicle from the scene of the shooting and took two suspects into custody in Chicago Ridge after a foot chase.

The shooting was believed to be a targeted attack, according to Bridgeview spokesman Ray Hanania. The victim of the shooting hasn't been identified, nor has a motive been revealed. Man fatally shot in attack outside Illinois license bureau. Associated Press. Article Comments. ATF defines a Responsible Person RP as a sole proprietor, partner, or anyone having the power to direct the management, policies, and practices of the business or activity as it pertains to firearms.

In a corporation this includes corporate officers, shareholders, board members, or any other employee with the legal authority described above. For all license types, except type 03 onsite inspections are not required for Collector of Curio and Relics FFLs , the FFLC will then send the applications to the nearest ATF field office having responsibility for the area in which the business is located.

The field office supervisor will issue an assignment to an Industry Operations Investigator IOI who will conduct an in-person interview with you. The IOI will discuss federal, state and local requirements with you, and go over your application with you to ensure the information is correct and current.


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