Quickbooks 2009 internet security levels are set too high

If you are using this account, leave the Tender Over or Tender Short accounts blank to avoid redundant posting. The amount that the tender type is over at the end of the batch. A Tender Over entry is created for each type of tender in Store Operations. The total amount that is received for a particular tender type. A Tender Received entry is created for each type of tender in Store Operations.

The amount that the tender type is short at the end of the batch. A Tender Short entry is created for each type of tender in Store Operations. The total amount that is collected for sales taxes for each department.

You can post Tax Collected for the individual tax types or for the total tax collected. Enter account numbers in these accounts if you want to track value this separately for each sales tax. If you want to track taxes as a total, leave these accounts blank and enter your account numbers in the Tax Collected: Total.

Therefore, every time that you add a new sales tax, you must update this account to make sure that the posting is correct. The cost of the items that are sold per department. Enter account numbers in these accounts if you want to track this value separately for all departments.

If you want to track this value as a total, leave these accounts blank and enter your account numbers in the Inventory: Cost of Goods Sold. The commission payable to sales reps by department. Set up this account if you want to track this value separately for every department. If you want to track this value as a total, leave these accounts blank and enter your account numbers in the Commission Account. The sales amount not including taxes for the department.

Set up this account if you want to track sales and taxes for each department separately. A rounding error may occur when you calculate the tax per department in a VAT system. Use this option if you use VAT. Note For the tender amounts to post correctly to your accounting system, type opening and closing amounts in the point of sale for each batch.

Set debit accounts for both Tender Dropped and Tender Paid Out and leave their credit accounts blank. Click Journal , and then click Assign general ledger Accounts. Click the Debit Account box or the Credit Account box of the general ledger account that you want to assign. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the required accounts are assigned. Note Not all general ledger accounts have an account that is assigned in the Debit Account box or the Credit Account box. Click the QuickBooks account that you are using for the Bills Account from the list if you want to post your closed purchase orders to QuickBooks as bills.

Click OK to save your changes, and then close the Assign general ledger Accounts window. To export your accounting data directly in the QuickBooks general ledger and to export closed Purchase Orders as QuickBooks Bills, follow these steps:.

Click Journal , and then click Post Closed Batches. Note Only closed batches are available to be posted. Click the batches that you want to post. Or, click Dates to open the Select Batch Range window to type a start date and an end date. When you click OK , all the batches that are closed and that are in this date range are selected, even if they have been previously posted. Note If you repost a batch that has already been posted, you may have duplicate general ledger and Bill entries in QuickBooks.

Make sure that you delete duplicate records from QuickBooks. If you have set up a Bills Account in QuickBooks, select the Include Purchase Orders check box to import closed purchase orders that are included in the selected batches.

Note Closed Purchase Orders are included in the closed batches. Before you import Purchase Orders into QuickBooks, you must first select a Bills account in the account assignment table. The Bills account that you select will offset the Account Payables account when the bill is created in QuickBooks.

Click Post to export the account data and the closed Purchase Orders. Note If you receive an error message when you post the closed batch, you must view the QBPost. Compare the QBPost. The information that was posted is now available in QuickBooks. To create a General Journal report in QuickBooks, follow these steps:.

Click Transaction Type in the Filter list. Click Journal in the Transaction Type list. Note The bills that you post may not be the last bills that are listed in QuickBooks. For more information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:. Configure Store Operations to interact with QuickBooks. Import data from QuickBooks.

Assign general ledger accounts in Store Operations Manager. Refer to the same figure as above Click the Local Intranet icon. Click the Default Level button at bottom right to reset the level to Medium. Click OK. Close and reopen Internet Explorer. Select Off for Administrators and Users and click Ok.

Reopen QuickBooks. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. The first solution may solve your problem, or you may need to try both to resolve the issue.

For best results, perform the solutions in the order shown. Solution 1: Reset Internet Settings to default Estimated time: 5 minutes 1. Open Internet Explorer. From the Tools menu choose Internet Options. Click the Security tab. Thanks for the workaround, but this is a serious QuickBooks problem. There should be no reason whatsoever to modify IE security on the server just to get an application to work.

Intuit has lost all of developers and has been rehashing antiquated products that it no longer has the expertise to support. They are riding on their laurels from bygone eras and old technologies.

The contractors they go to for development and operations support are equally inept and lack any creative abilities. As such the only thing they can do is drop garbage like QuickBooks on a captive audience.


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